Title I
As a Title I school, we have the opportunity to strengthen our program to meet the needs of all of our students with the federal support of Title I funds. Salt Lake City School District calculates Title monies based on the number of students who qualify for free lunch. We are actively including parent/guardian/family and community involvement, which is part of the Title I requirements. We know a working partnership is crucial for our students to succeed.
As a Title I school we:
- work with parents and guardians to understand and navigate the school system,
- share information about the standards for learning determined by the state, the materials, and programs we use to teach those standards, and the tests we use to show how students are progressing, and
- inform you about your child’s academic progress throughout the year.
Communication with parents and community is a focus of our school and we value the different ways parents contribute to the success of their children. To enhance the way parents are already supporting their children’s academic success at home, we will offer materials and ideas that guardians might additionally use.